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You'll find on this page some information about the rights and obligations you have with this website. Of course, it doesn't have any official source, I've created it only to inform you about the copyright I own, as the author, creator and webmaster of this site.
As indicated on the About page, I've created this website on December 4th, 2000 to share my experience, passions and knowledge with anyone. As a result, Arachnosoft is a personal, non-profit website without any commercial goal. At the beginning, it was only a "personal page" which has progressively evolved through the years to become the website you're currently browsing.
The only fact that it's a non-professional website implies that I can only work on it during my free time, which lead to a certain number of rules about its use and its evolution.
Unless explicitly noted, all the information and data present of this website are offered for PRIVATE USE ONLY. Information, images, web pages and all the computer files related to this website are distributed FOR FREE by their authors, who keep their entire property on their own files.
You are not allowed to copy, reproduce, disassemble, modify or alter these data for public use (for example: their distribution on a website) or commercial use, without any written consent from their respective author(s). However, some files (such as my software or music) may come with their own documentation, either internal (as a text file, manual, or other form) or external (on their web page, for example) which can grant you additional rights and obligations regarding their use. Check the availability of such information if you have doubts about the terms of use of a given file.
Be also aware that all elements which are exclusive to Arachnosoft (any design elements, background textures, text layouts, colors, as well as the HTML code and programming of the webpages) are the exclusive property of Maxime Abbey, the webmaster.
Concerning myself, I'm very careful on the respect of the intellectual property. Thus, if you find on this site some information or files which belong to you, and that you don't want to be available publicly on a website, even for free, don't hesitate to inform me by e-mail so that I can correct this.
Some sections of this website allow you to express yourself about various topics, like the forum, for example. When you are using these tools, you agree personally with the rules and concepts defined by the "Netiquette", meaning that you will not express any racist, xenophobe, violent or sexually-oriented opinions, or more generally, subject to harm anybody.
You are ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for the messages you leave on tis website. In any case, my web hoster, partners or myself can't be held as responsible of any comments made by the visitors of this website. I'm doing my best, as long as possible, to regularly check the contents of the public places in order to delete any message which would not respect those good behaviour rules. But, as said previously, I can't take care of this website outside of my freetime hours, which hence limits my control abilities. Thanks for your comprehension.
Of course, I retain the right to delete without further notice any message that I'll estimate as being shocking, insulting or harmful towards myself or any other person.
According to the French "Informatique et Libertés" law of January 6th, 1978 (or any other similar law applicable in your country), you have a right to access and ask for modification of any personal data related to yourself on this website. As a result, you can contact me by e-mail at anytime to ask for the correction of any mistaken information pertaining to you on this website (for example, an e-mail address, the description of a software you've created, etc.).
Also, to respect your privacy, I guarantee that I'll never sell, rent or reveal your personal data to any third-parties, without your authorization.
This website uses cookies, small files saved on your computer, to enhance your experience (remembering your language and display settings), as well as allowing the Members Area to work properly. Some other cookies could also be used by some third-party external contents (e.g. videos, advertising), mainly to grab statistic information. You can always prevent your browser from recording cookies on your computer by adjusting its security settings.
This website provides links to, or embeds videos hosted on YouTube; as a result, by accessing those videos from this website, you're agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service.
When I created this website, I set myself a goal: only offer FREE stuff. Even today, this engagement continues to be applied, as you'll not find any paying software or contents to download from this website. I hope I'll be able to keep this "free-only" engagement for a long time, as it becomes more and more difficult in this world, to offer your work for free.
Also, I'm doing all my best to be available as much as possible to support my users and visitors, trying to offer the technical support which can suit their needs. I also care about updating, as often as possible, the information concerning my websites and creations, even if it becomes more and more difficult, as I've less and less free time for my IT activities... Thanks for your patience!
I hope that these rules will be respected by all, in the interest of anyone, so that this website can keep living in good conditions, and for a long time, for my own pleasure and the others. That's why I invite you to immediately leave this site if you don't agree with the rules defined on this page. Be also aware that the information given on this page can be modified at anytime without further notice. Thus, I advise you to come and read it regularly.
Thanks, in any case, for having took some of your time to read this information.
Maxime Abbey, Arachnosoft's webmaster.
Arachnosoft - Version 11.1 - Copyright © 2000-2025 Maxime Abbey. All rights reserved. Any reproduction is forbidden without authorization.