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Music arrangements from C: in MIDI format - Arachno SoundFont

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296 arrangements from miscellaneous categories from C: are available.

Displaying arrangements 1 to 20 - Next page

Don't fight the Music - HRK. EXEX (Don't Fight The Music - 15.4 Million Notes)

Don't fight the Music - HRK. EXEX (Don't Fight The Music - 15.4 Million Notes)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Don't fight the Music
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 07-21-2024
Duration: 02:40

Original song information
Original track's title: Don't Fight The Music - 15.4 Million Notes
Year: 2022

Animusic - Pipe Dream (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

Animusic - Pipe Dream (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Pipe Dream (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 06-03-2024
Duration: 03:27

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

Animusic - Pogo Sticks (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

Animusic - Pogo Sticks (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Pogo Sticks (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 05-30-2024
Duration: 03:41

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

[Black MIDI] My Little Pony ~ Winter Wrap Up • Community Merge - 99.24 Million Notes - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

[Black MIDI] My Little Pony ~ Winter Wrap Up • Community Merge - 99.24 Million Notes - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI] My Little Pony ~ Winter Wrap Up • Community Merge - 99.24 Million Notes
Composer(s): Orangepaprika 67
Original composer(s): Daniel Ingram
Released on: 05-25-2024
Duration: 03:46

Original film information
Film: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Film director(s): Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton, Jim Miller, Denny Lu, Tim Stuby, Mike Myhre
Released by: Hasbro
Year: 2010

Silent Forest (Zone 1) Remix - Sonic Lost World (SEGA Genesis Style) - Tomoya Ohtani, Takahito Eguchi

Silent Forest (Zone 1) Remix - Sonic Lost World (SEGA Genesis Style) - Tomoya Ohtani, Takahito Eguchi

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Silent Forest (Zone 1) Remix - Sonic Lost World (SEGA Genesis Style)
Composer(s): Cheesy
Original composer(s): Tomoya Ohtani, Takahito Eguchi
Released on: 05-24-2024
Duration: 04:31

Original game information
Game: Sonic Lost World
Original track's title: Genesis
Game developer(s): Sonic Team
Released by: Sega, Nintendo
Platform: Wii U, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 3DS
Year: 2013

Hills of Linking (Solo Piano + Solo Voice arrangement (Arachno Soundfont)) - 29th music album - Aleksa Vasić

Hills of Linking (Solo Piano + Solo Voice arrangement (Arachno Soundfont)) - 29th music album - Aleksa Vasić

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Hills of Linking (Solo Piano + Solo Voice arrangement (Arachno Soundfont)) - 29th music album
Composer(s): Aleksa Vasić
Released on: 05-23-2024
Duration: 11:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Hills of Linking
Year: 2024

[Black MIDI] Synthetic | 68.4 Million Notes - Softy

[Black MIDI] Synthetic | 68.4 Million Notes - Softy

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Synthetic | 68.4 Million Notes
Composer(s): Softy
Released on: 05-23-2024
Duration: 06:59

Original song information
Original track's title: Synthetic
Year: 2024

Animusic - Future Retro (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

Animusic - Future Retro (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Future Retro (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 05-17-2024
Duration: 04:49

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Original track's title: Future Retro
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

Animusic - Acoustic Curves (Remake) [Bass solo] - Wayne Lytle

Animusic - Acoustic Curves (Remake) [Bass solo] - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Acoustic Curves (Remake) [Bass solo]
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 05-13-2024
Duration: 03:28

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

[Re-upload] Animusic - Stick Figures (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

[Re-upload] Animusic - Stick Figures (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Re-upload] Animusic - Stick Figures (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 05-12-2024
Duration: 05:51

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

[ Black MIDI? ] Cambiate a Movistar Meme | Exactly 47,047 notes - Xplot Music

[ Black MIDI? ] Cambiate a Movistar Meme | Exactly 47,047 notes - Xplot Music

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [ Black MIDI? ] Cambiate a Movistar Meme | Exactly 47,047 notes
Composer(s): Xplot Music
Released on: 05-08-2024
Duration: 00:37

Original song information
Original track's title: Cambiate a Movistar
Year: 2024

Animusic - Beyond The Walls (Remake) - ThinkGamer

Animusic - Beyond The Walls (Remake) - ThinkGamer

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Beyond The Walls (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): ThinkGamer
Released on: 05-05-2024
Duration: 04:39

Original song information
Original track's title: Beyond The Walls
Year: 2020

Animusic - Drum Machine (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

Animusic - Drum Machine (Remake) - Wayne Lytle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Animusic - Drum Machine (Remake)
Composer(s): Andy N (previously Andymusic)
Original composer(s): Wayne Lytle
Released on: 04-24-2024
Duration: 03:28

Original film information
Film: Animusic
Film director(s): Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Released by: Wayne Lytle, Goldhill Home Media
Year: 2001

Deltarune Chapter 1 OST: 15 - Lantern (Oscilloscope View) - Toby Fox

Deltarune Chapter 1 OST: 15 - Lantern (Oscilloscope View) - Toby Fox

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Deltarune Chapter 1 OST: 15 - Lantern (Oscilloscope View)
Composer(s): Toby Fox
Released on: 04-08-2024
Duration: 01:09

Original game information
Game: Deltarune
Game developer(s): Toby Fox
Released by: Toby Fox
Platform: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
Year: 2018

Body Mind Spirit (bms.wad) Episode One: Body (Full Album) - Doom Music - ArchCynic

Body Mind Spirit (bms.wad) Episode One: Body (Full Album) - Doom Music - ArchCynic

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Body Mind Spirit (bms.wad) Episode One: Body (Full Album) - Doom Music
Composer(s): ArchCynic
Released on: 04-05-2024
Duration: 56:07

Original game information
Game: Body Mind Spirit
Game developer(s): ArchCynic
Released by: ArchCynic
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2024

[Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

[Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo)
Composer(s): Yrriban
Original composer(s): Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince
Released on: 04-02-2024
Duration: 28:10

Original game information
Game: Epic
Game developer(s): Eternal
Released by: Eternal
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2007

[Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo) - Ronald Karle

[Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo) - Ronald Karle

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Epic] MAP05: The Citadel (UV-Max Demo)
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 04-02-2024
Duration: 28:10

Original song information
Original track's title: Epic
Year: 2022

[ My Black MIDI ] Uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Record One's Dream | 2.38 Million - uma, Morimori Atsushi

[ My Black MIDI ] Uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Record One's Dream | 2.38 Million - uma, Morimori Atsushi

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [ My Black MIDI ] Uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Record One's Dream | 2.38 Million
Composer(s): Xplot Music
Original composer(s): uma, Morimori Atsushi
Released on: 03-30-2024
Duration: 02:26

Original song information
Original track's title: Record One's Dream
Year: 2017

[Epic] MAP04: The Helltrain (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

[Epic] MAP04: The Helltrain (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Epic] MAP04: The Helltrain (UV-Max Demo)
Composer(s): Yrriban
Original composer(s): Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince
Released on: 03-26-2024
Duration: 05:45

Original game information
Game: Epic
Game developer(s): Eternal
Released by: Eternal
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2007

[Epic] MAP03: Arc of the Pendulum (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

[Epic] MAP03: Arc of the Pendulum (UV-Max Demo) - Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Epic] MAP03: Arc of the Pendulum (UV-Max Demo)
Composer(s): Yrriban
Original composer(s): Lee Jackson, Kevin Schilder, Rich Nagel (Weeds), Robert C. Prince
Released on: 03-24-2024
Duration: 23:53

Original game information
Game: Epic
Game developer(s): Eternal
Released by: Eternal
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2007

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